Thursday, May 24, 2012


The waiting game continues, although we have a little bit of news.  I got the call from the perinatologist, and we have an appointment scheduled with Dr. Gilbert on June 1st.  I breathed a little sigh of relief over this because that meant I wouldn't have to be missing any work or attempting to switch shifts with anyone.  In my mind, the less that I have do that right now, the better!  Of course Jason will have to miss some work, but I guess that can't be helped.

I'm very thankful that Jason is so willing and wanting to go to these appointments with me.  I know a lot of women may not necessarily get that kind of support from their partner, and it just makes me appreciate him all the more.  We're going into this endeavor as full teammates and partners.  (Thank God for that, because I would probably be a total slobbering basket case if I didn't have Jason right now!).  In fact, Jason's first words when I asked him if he wanted to be there for the appointment?  "Um, yeah.  I have a lot of questions that he needs to answer!"  You and me both, buddy, you and me both!!  The list of questions to ask the doctor grows by the day...

The last few days have been a bit more positive for us overall.  I think we're coming out of what I like to pleasantly refer to as the "shock and awe" stage and moving more into the "not really fully aware yet but naive and more optimistic" stage.  The first few days were a blur of tears, phone calls, and trying to force ourselves to eat.  All we could really talk about was the extraordinary change in plans, yet neither of us was truly ready to talk about it with any sense of logic or coherence.  Talking about anything else seemed like a waste of time.

We've now had almost a week to marinate in everything.  And we're getting back to a little bit more of a normal routine.  I'm getting to a routine of only crying once or twice a day (which Jason would joke about and say that's pretty much normal!) instead of every hour, so that's appreciated.  We're back to being able to talk about topics other than the three peanuts.  But we still spend a lot of time planning for them.  They are never far from my mind (and even if they were, my bladder would bring them right on back!).

I found out from one of my favorite patients yesterday that he had a dream a while ago that we were having multiples.  I was floored.  He insisted that it must have been brought on by one of the other nurses telling him.  His wife insists that he had the dream before I had told my coworkers.  At this point in the game, I suppose it doesn't much matter when he dreamed it.  Through a weird set of circumstances that would take too long to tell (and would involve me breaking some serious privacy policies), this patient was actually the third person in the world to know that we were pregnant (with Jason and me being the first two!).  Like I said, it's a LONG story, but suffice it to say, the simple moral of the story is this-  you never know where you are going to find support when you need it.

Jason and I have some other exciting news as well- we should be announcing the birth of our new nephew any day now!! My sister and brother-in-law, Adina and Mark, were supposed to be induced today, but apparently the doctor had a different idea.  I'm heartbroken that I can't be there with them right now, but I'll be seeing them soon enough.

Love to all,
A Proud (but not very Patient!) Auntie

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