It was just a general check-up to make sure everything's okay with Huey, Duey, and Louie. And so far, so good. The boys are moving around in the uterus a little bit- now Baby B is hanging out in the middle of the uterus instead of the right side. We got to hear each of their heartbeats too. In fact, Babies B and C were moving around so much that it took Athena (our ultrasound maven) a couple of tries to capture them.
Athena also checked on the levels of amniotic fluid in each of the munchkins' sacs. The level of amniotic fluid is an important measurement because the amniotic fluid does so many things to protect and aid in the triplets' development. All of them measured above 4, which she was very pleased about. We'll be keeping an eye on this number, which they want to be between 2 and 8. And I'll keep drinking lots of water to help out the babes in this respect- it looks like the jury's out on whether or not this will actually help with amniotic fluid levels, but it can't hurt and every doctor likes to remind me to drink lots of water! :)
I'm pretty sure I saw a hand wave from Baby B during the ultrasound! It's been fun over the past few weeks to start to feel the peanuts moving around. Nothing too dramatic yet- I can't really distinguish which baby or which body part at all, but I can tell you which side of my tummy it's happening on. And last Sunday, I was actually able to feel TWO moving at the same time (one on the left and one on the right). A slightly surreal feeling!
Work is progressing on the nursery (I'm working on no longer calling it the office). I'm trying to decide if we keep the current wall color (Jason's preference) or paint it (what I had been leaning towards but now I'm not so sure). Decisions, decisions!
Jason and I have also started a list of potential baby names, and we're definitely accepting submissions. We've had a very specific plan in mind for how to name these babes to incorporate both of our families. They'll have the last name "Deen", an obvious connection with Jason's family. Their middle names will come from a name on the Miller side, so that they have a connection to my family. And each of their first names will be something that Jason and I come up with (or that is suggested to us!!!), to represent the family that Jason and I are creating. That being said, we're not keen on rhyming names nor on all of them starting with the same letter. Other than that, suggest away. Help us out here people!
Baby C's still hanging out on the left side of my tummy- I was a little worried before that he was being ostracized by his brothers (they had previously both been on the right side!)
Baby B- He's now in the middle of my uterus, probably the peacekeeper of the bunch by 'reaching out' to Baby B, although I feel like he's going to wake up with a severe neck cramp if he stays in that position!
Baby A- Still chilling out in right field!