Saturday, May 19, 2012

Holy Cow...

We've known since the end of March that we were being blessed with a baby.  The home pregnancy test was positive (as were the additional 5 that I took just to "confirm" the results) and so Jason and I started happily planning for the new little addition that would be coming into our lives.  Fast forward to May 18th, a day that will go down in infamy.  We were at just over 12 weeks into the pregnancy, and we excitedly showed up for our very first ultrasound with our OB/GYN, Dr. Cueto.  

In the weeks leading up to the ultrasound, I had been telling everyone that would listen that I just wanted to see a baby on that screen and hear a healthy heartbeat between 120-160 beats per minute.  Nothing wrong with being specific about what you want, right?  

Back to May 18th, 2012.  So both Jason and I were in the room with Dr. Cueto, making our introductions and getting acquainted.  He came highly recommended and I was pleased to see my initial impression of him was going to live up to the hype.  The doctor positioned me for the ultrasound and I was amazed to see the baby's image pop right up onto the screen.  But something unexpected happened.  Now I'm not an expert ultrasound reader, but I can manage the basics.  Imagine my shock/surprise/fear when I thought I saw TWO babies on the screen at the same time.  I remember hearing the doctor say something about baby #1 and baby #2... and then something about baby #3.  "Here's the first baby... and there's the second... and just over here is the third".  I'm pretty sure he said some other things too, but I clearly remember his first question to us as he was looking at the screen.  

"Did you use any fertility treatments?"

Um, no sir.  Not at all.  Other than keeping track of my cycle with an app on my phone (thank you technology!), we did nothing other than pop the daily prenatal vitamin, say lots of prayers, and cross our fingers.  We got pregnant during our third month of trying- there was NO time for fertility treatments!

So now that's where Jason and I are now at.  We are pregnant with triplets.  Three little peanuts are currently hanging out just waiting to meet all of you and make their mark on this world.  Jason and I are in absolute shock.  ABSOLUTE shock.  We are super excited, we are super worried and nervous, and we are super shocked.  

And that's where this blog will start.  There are going to be so many developments in the months to come, and we want to be able to share as much as possible with you, our loved ones.  My hope is that this blog will serve to bring everyone into the loop and allow you to know what Jason and I are thinking, feeling, and experiencing.  


  1. You go girl! A great idea for the Blog.
    I'm sure you will be the voice and Jason will be the calm.
    Congratulations again and you five will be in our prayers for many blessings to come.

    Love, Mark, Adina, Aiden, and baby

  2. Wow! I had actually been thinking about you and wondering if you were pregnant. It's been so long since we talked. But three, that's amazing. Congratulations!!! And don't worry, I can't imagine any two more capable people to handle triplets.

