Sunday, September 9, 2012

Too cute

Jason and I went over to his sister's house on Friday night for dinner.  Our nephew, Caleb, is 4 1/2 years old and pretty curious about my belly...

Caleb:  You have three babies in there? (as he's rubbing my belly)
Me:  Yes I do.  That's why it's so big!
Caleb:  Okay. (pausing to think)  Can you take them out now?
Me:  Not yet.  They're not ready to come out yet.
Caleb:  Do you have babies in there too? (as he tries to pat my chest)

Later in the evening, he and I were looking at pictures on my phone while I was laying on the couch.  He stood at my side and at one point, leaned over slightly to get a better look at the picture.  All of a sudden he jumped back.

Caleb:  Uh oh!  I'm sorry!  I squished your babies!

He had apparently felt himself lean into my tummy (I didn't feel him at all so it couldn't have been anything significant!) and was very worried and concerned that he had done something to hurt the babies.  For the next 5-10 minutes, he apologized a good handful of times to me for "squishing" my babies.  Too cute!

A few days ago, a fellow triplet mommy sent out a link to a website specializing in comical attire/gifts for multiples.  I got a pretty good laugh going through the site and thought I'd share some of my favorites.  After all, humor is probably the only way we're going to survive the first year with three baby boys in this house.

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