Friday, October 12, 2012

Moving past the pity party I threw for myself

Happy 33 Weeks!!

So I'm not too ashamed to admit that I may have had myself a little pity party on Tuesday and part of Wednesday...  Normally I try really hard to find the positive aspect of each thing that happens with this pregnancy, sometimes with more success than at other times.  I definitely failed in this aspect a few days ago.  I couldn't find a comfortable position and I felt like a whale.  I had heartburn like never before and I realized that I'm starting to have carpal tunnel issues (related to the pregnancy hormones- they'll resolve after I deliver the boys).  No food looked appealing and all I wanted to do was cry.  After watching some women's volleyball on TV and coming to the conclusion that none of those physically fit ladies were pregnant with triplets, I was feeling pretty darn sorry for myself.  Scratch that- totally sorry for myself.  But I am happy to say that after a little air guitar while listening to The Black Keys in the car while driving to my non-stress test, I left that pity party behind.  My apologies to my husband (and to any commuters driving by me on Thursday morning!) for having to bear witness to any of that madness.

Thursday's non-stress test was another successful one.  All three of the babes did just fabulously and passed.  I really appreciate the nurses showing me the munchkins' heart rhythm strips.  I'm not the most skilled at reading them, but I'm learning.  The doctor has told me on numerous occasions that they will modify my treatment plan if the twice-weekly appointments for these tests are too much for me to handle.  But I have to confess that I actually really look forward to them- seeing the heart rhythm strips is really reassuring and lets me know that our little babes are doing okay in there.

During the non-stress test, they also have a monitor on my uterus to see if it contracts at all.  On Thursday, I did have one contraction.  I was very excited to see that the babes handled the contraction like little champs and it didn't even phase them!  I've actually been having Braxton-Hicks contractions for a while now.  It's completely normal for a multiples momma to have them at this stage of the pregnancy.  For those who are unfamiliar with them, Braxton-Hicks contractions are basically the uterus' way of "practicing" for true labor contractions.  They don't mean I'm in labor, and they don't hurt me at all, although they scare Jason.  He keeps asking, "Is it time to go to the hospital now?", with a really scared look on his face whenever I tell him that I'm having one.

We had an ultrasound appointment today, and I am so excited to report that everything is going GREAT!!!  The babes looked good, their heart rates were in the normal range, and they all have ample amounts of amniotic fluid to bathe in.  My blood pressure is staying very steady- thank God!!  And my beautiful cervix continues to stay long and strong.  The only thing that got added to my treatment plan today was a medication to help with the increased heartburn (which brings my daily total of pills up to 19).

AND.... we have a scheduled end date for this pregnancy!  As of today, we have a date for a scheduled Caesarean section on November 8th at noon.  If the boys or my body decide on their own to go into labor before then, that will obviously negate the scheduled C-section.  I've been telling the munchkins for a while now that I want them to stay in until November so that their birthstone will be a topaz (I actually don't care what birthstone they have, but I do really want them to stay in until November!), so now the doctors are laying the groundwork for me to get my way!

Jason and I were literally on cloud nine after today's appointment, and it feels so good to have a tangible end date that we can work towards.  We really couldn't have gotten a better report today from Dr. McElvey.  All I can say is that I am so grateful, and to anyone who doesn't believe in the power of prayer-- I would beg you to reconsider that belief!  I hear over and over that people are praying for us (family, friends, coworkers' roommates, friends' cousins twice removed, strangers on the street... you get the point), and I just want to thank every single person for including our peanuts in their prayers and let you know that your prayers are not going unanswered!

Be afraid.  Be very, very afraid...
(picture was taken last night)
I'm planning to sit in a sports bra and pants
on our front porch on Halloween for 2 reasons:
1.  To scare people with my stretch marks and
massive belly volume
2.  To serve as a PSA to teens about the importance
of birth control

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